Describe the Open Source Development Model.
Open-source software development Model:
Open-source software development can be divided into several phases. A diagram displaying the process-data structure of open-source software development is shown on the right. In this picture, the phases of open-source software development are displayed, along with the corresponding data elements. This diagram is made using the meta-modeling and meta-process modeling techniques.

Starting an open-source project: There are several ways in which work on an open-source project can start:
- An individual who senses the need for a project announces the intent to develop a project in public.
- A developer working on a limited but working code base, releases it to the public as the first version of an open-source program.
- The source code of a mature project is released to the public.
- A well-established open-source project can be forked by an interested outside party.
It’s a common mistake to start a project when contributing to an existing similar project would be more effective. To start a successful project it is very important to investigate what’s already there. The process starts with a choice between the adopting of an existing project, or the starting of a new project. If new project is started, the process goes to the Initiation phase. If an existing project is adopted, the process goes directly to the Execution phase.